35.2 Features

The following are key features of SERCOM:

  • Interface for configuring operating mode:
    • Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) two-wire serial interface
    • System Management Bus (SMBus™) compatible
    • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
    • Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) (Plus LIN Host, LIN Client when operating in USART mode)
  • Baud Rate Generator (BRG)
  • Address Match/mask Logic
  • Operational in all Sleep modes with an External Clock Source
  • Can be used with DMA
  • 16-byte Internal FIFOs for Transmit and Receive
Table 35-1. SERCOM Feature Sets
  1. What I2C modes can be supported, depends on the drive strength of the I/O pin it is connected to. For a list of I/O pin drive strengths available, refer to the I/O pin Electrical Specifications VOL and VOH spec.
    Table 35-2. I/O Pin Drive Strength
    I2C ModeI/O Pin Drive Strength
    I2C Standard-mode (SM), 100 kHz w/400 pF loadYesYesYes
    I2C Fast-mode (FM), 400 kHz w/400 pF loadYesYesYes
    I2C Fast-mode Plus (FM+), 1 MHz w/550 pF loadNoNoYes
    I2C High speed (HS), 3.4 MHz w/100 pF loadNoYesYes