12.2 Multi Actuator Drives

Multi Actuator drives are hard disk drives which contain two or more independent actuators that transfer data concurrently. It solves the need for increased performance by enabling parallelism of data flows in and out of a single hard drive. By allowing the data center host computer to request and receive data from two areas of the drive simultaneously, it increases the IOPS performance of each individual hard drive.

In enterprise tree view, multi actuator drive is listed along with its LUN number and every LUN is listed as a separate physical device.

Following are the properties of a multi actuator drive:
  • Multi Actuator Drive - Specifies whether this physical device is multi actuator or not.
  • Multi Actuator LUN Count -Specifies number of LUN's in the multi actuator drive.
  • Multi Actuator LUN ID - ID of the current LUN in the multi actuator drive.