4.2 Working in maxView Storage Manager

You can perform most tasks in maxView Storage Manager by:

  • Selecting storage components in the Enterprise View (controllers, hard drives, logical drives, and so on)
  • Clicking icons on the ribbon, at the top of the maxView Storage Manager main window
  • Working with information in the Storage Dashboard and Chart View
  • Checking status in the Event Log and Task Log

If you are logged in as the Administrator, you have full access to manage and modify the components of your storage space, using all of the features of maxView Storage Manager. If you are logged in as a Standard user, you have restricted "view-only" access to your storage space, with limited ability to perform non-destructive operations, as described in the table below.

Note: maxView Storage Manager allows you to give Standard users Administrator privileges. For details, see 14.5 Granting Standard Users Admin Privilege.
Standard users can: Standard users can't:

Rescan controllers

Create arrays and logical drives

Save activity logs

Modify arrays and logical drives

Identify physical devices, logical devices, and enclosures

Delete arrays and logical drives

Silence alarms

Perform data migrations

View component properties on the Storage Dashboard

Clear the controller configuration