21.14.4 sb_configure_core_count


This command is used to specify the number of instances of a core already added to Master/Slave subsystem in the Peripherals page of the System Builder component. All instances will have the same configuration.
Note: There are two types of cores that can be added using the sb_add_core command.
  1. One type is of actual cores like CoreI2C, CoreGPIO with fixed core versions available in the Peripherals page. If, for example, CoreI2C is added to a subsystem with core_name specified as i2c_peripheral and a core count of 4, then the actual instance names of CoreI2C added will be i2c_peripheral_0, i2c_peripheral_1, i2c_peripheral_2 and i2c_peripheral_3 in the generated design.
  2. Second type of cores are Fabric AMBA Slave and Fabric AMBA Master. Adding them to a subsystem will configure the bus core of the subsystem to enable and expose master/slave interfaces of the bus core on the generated System Builder component to be connected to actual masters/slaves in the fabric. If, for example, Fabric AMBA Slave configured as AHBLite(AMBA_INTERFACE_TYPE:AHBLITE) is added to a subsystem with core_name specified as ahb_slave and a core count of 4, then the CoreAHBLite bus core of that subsystem will be configured to enable and expose 4 AHBLite slave bus interfaces with names ahb_slave, ahb_slave_1, ahb_slave_2 and ahb_slave_3 on the System Builder component to be connected to actual slave peripherals in the fabric.
sb_configure_core_count \
-component_name {component_name} \
-core_vlnv {vendor:library:name:version} \
[-core_name {core_name}] \
-subsystem_name {subsystem_name}


-component_name {component_name}stringMandatory. Name of the system builder component.
-core_vlnv {vendor:library:name:version}Mandatory. Version identifier of the core being instantiated in the SmartDesign.
-core_name {core_name}stringOptional. Name of the instance of the core in the System Builder component. If no details are provided, the instance name will be automatically defined as <vlnv_core_name>_n (where n starts at 0).
-subsystem_name {subsystem_name}stringMandatory. Name of the subsystem the core is being added to.


sb_configure_core_count -component_name {sb} -core_name {AMBA_SLAVE_0} -count {2}