TCPIP_SNTP_UTCSecondsGet Function


uint32_t TCPIP_SNTP_UTCSecondsGet();


This function obtains the current time as reported by the SNTP module. Use this value for absolute time stamping. The value returned is (by default) the number of seconds since 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00.


The TCP/IP Stack should have been inititialized.


  • The number of seconds since the Unix epoch (default 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00).


Do not use this function for time difference measurements. The SYS_TMR/TMR_DRV modules are more appropriate for those requirements. Do not use this function without first checking that a vliad timestamp has obtained from the NTP server.

This function is obsolete and it will be eventually removed. Use the new version TCPIP_SNTP_TimeGet.