Library Interface

TCPIP_NTP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TYPEThe default connection type to use: IPv4/IPv6
TCPIP_NTP_DEFAULT_IFfor multi-homed hosts, the default SNTP interface
TCPIP_NTP_EPOCHReference Epoch to use. (default: 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00)
TCPIP_NTP_FAST_QUERY_INTERVALDefines how long to wait to retry an update after a failure, seconds. Updates may take up to 6 seconds to fail, so this 14 second delay is actually only an 8-second retry.
TCPIP_NTP_MAX_STRATUMThe maximum acceptable NTP stratum number Should be less than 16 (unsynchronized server)
TCPIP_NTP_QUERY_INTERVALDefines how frequently to resynchronize the date/time, seconds (default: 10 minutes)
TCPIP_NTP_REPLY_TIMEOUTDefines how long to wait before assuming the query has failed, seconds
TCPIP_NTP_RX_QUEUE_LIMITThe NTP RX queue limit defines the maximum number of packets that can wait in the NTP queue
TCPIP_NTP_SERVERThese are normally available network time servers. The actual IP returned from the pool will vary every minute so as to spread the load around stratum 1 timeservers. For best accuracy and network overhead you should locate the pool server closest to your geography, but it will still work if you use the global pool.ntp.org address or choose the wrong one or ship your embedded device to another geography. A direct IP address works too
TCPIP_NTP_SERVER_MAX_LENGTHmaximum number of characters allowed for the NTP server
TCPIP_NTP_TASK_TICK_RATETHE NTP task rate, in milliseconds The default value is 1100 milliseconds. This module contacts an NTP server and a high operation frequency is not required. The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_NTP_TIME_STAMP_TMOelapsed time that qualifies a time stamp as stale normally it should be correlated with TCPIP_NTP_QUERY_INTERVAL
TCPIP_NTP_VERSIONThe default NTP version to use (3 or 4)
TCPIP_SNTP_UTCSecondsGetObtains the current time from the SNTP module.
TCPIP_SNTP_ConnectionInitiateForces a connection to the NTP server
TCPIP_SNTP_LastErrorGetGets the last error code set in the NTP server.
TCPIP_SNTP_ConnectionParamSetSets the current SNTP connection parameters.
TCPIP_SNTP_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_SNTP_HandlerDeRegisterDeregisters a previously registered SNTP handler.
TCPIP_SNTP_HandlerRegisterRegisters a SNTP Handler.
TCPIP_SNTP_TimeGetObtains the current time in UTC format from the SNTP module.
TCPIP_SNTP_TimeStampGetGets the last valid timestamp obtained from an NTP server.
TCPIP_SNTP_TimeStampStatusGets the current status of the timestamp;
Data Types and Constants
TCPIP_SNTP_MODULE_CONFIGPlaceholder for SNTP Module Configuration
TCPIP_SNTP_RESULTProvides a list of possible results for the SNTP module.
TCPIP_SNTP_EVENTList of events for the SNTP module.
TCPIP_SNTP_EVENT_HANDLERSNTP event handler prototype.
TCPIP_SNTP_EVENT_TIME_DATAData structure used by the SNTP module to report a timestamp event.
TCPIP_SNTP_TIME_STAMPTimestamp data structure used by the SNTP module.