24.2.4 Steering Modes

In both Synchronous and Asynchronous Steering modes, the modulated input signal can be steered to any combination of four CWG outputs. A fixed-value will be presented on all the outputs not used for the PWM output. Each output has independent polarity, steering, and shutdown options. Dead-band control is not used in either steering mode.

Figure 24-9. Simplified CWG Block Diagram (Output Steering Modes)
For example, when STRA = 0 then the corresponding pin is held at the level defined by OVRA. When STRA = 1, then the pin is driven by the modulated input signal.

The POLy bits control the signal polarity only when STRy = 1.

The CWG auto-shutdown operation also applies in Steering modes as described in 24.11 Auto-Shutdown”. An auto-shutdown event will only affect pins that have STRy = 1.