3.4.4 Environment

Environments allow you to save settings, so that all of the same settings can be reloaded in another programming session. Environments are supported, under all tools, as either .pen files or .pm3 files.

Note: MPLAB PM3 programmer does not support the Preserve Memory options in the environment .pm3 files.

From the Advanced Mode dialog, click Environment to display the available settings.

Table 3-3. Environment Settings
Note: The options available will vary depending on the device and too selected. The following may not show every possible option.
Create Environment Tab
Environment Information
NameEnter a name for the environment.
.pm3 fileFor MPLAB device programmers, select this type of. file.
.pen fileFor MPLAB debuggers or emulators, select this type of file.
DescriptionEnter the description for the environment.
Misc FilesAdd or remove other files used in the environment, for example, data sheets, instructions, etc.

Multiple files can be selected.

SQTP FileBrowse or enter the SQTP file name used in the environment.
Save to PM3 CardSaves the environment file to a MPLAB PM3 SD card destination. See ADD LINK TO REFERENCE SECTION Save Firmware into PM3 SD Card for additional information on saving multiple operating system firmware to the SD card.
Save to PCSaves the environment file to a destination on the PC.
CopyOpens the Copy Environment dialog to select source and destination for copying the environment.
Browse Environments Tab
Browse on:Select either PC or MPLAB PM3 Card.
PCWhen the PC is selected, it opens the PM3 Environment file selection browser for you to select an environment to load into the MPLAB PM3.
MPLAB PM3 CardWhen this option is selected, it opens the PM3 Card browser for you to select an environment from the files on the PM3 Card. In the browser, you can:

View the properties of the PM3 SD Card.

Format the PM3 SD card.

Select an environment to load into the MPLAB PM3; the information displays in the Environment Settings window.

Select an environment to delete from the PM3 Card.

Select an environment to view information; information displays in the Environment Settings window.

InformationDisplays information related to the selected environment file such as Name, Path and Environment Description. From here, you can select to clear the information or load the environment into the MPLAB PM3.