44.2 Hardware Override Control

The OPA mode of operation can be switched core independently, using the hardware override control feature built into the peripheral. Hardware override control is enabled by setting the OREN bit and selecting an override source using the ORS bits. The OPA mode of operation is determined based on the level of the selected override signal. The Hardware Override Control Configuration (HWCH and HWCL) bits are used to select the OPA mode of operation, when the override source is high or low, respectively. The ORPOL bit can be used to invert the hardware controlled override input, meaning that when ORPOL = 1, the HWCH bits will determine the OPA mode of operation when the override source is low, and the HWCL bits will determine the OPA mode of operation when the override source is high. The hardware override control can be used to switch between the following OPA configurations:

  • Basic Operation with User Defined Feedback(1)
  • Peak Detect Configuration with User Defined Feedback(1)
  • Trough Detect Configuration with User Defined Feedback(1)
  • Unity Gain Mode
  • Tri-state Output
  • Peak Detect Configuration with Unity Gain Feedback
  • Trough Detect Configuration with Unity Gain Feedback
  • Rail Drive Mode
    • Forces the operational amplifier output to be driven to VDD or VSS, depending on the status of the override source and the configured override polarity
  1. Feedback is based on the configuration of the internal gain options (GSEL) or external components, depending upon peripheral setup.