System Error Interrupt (SERRIF)

Bus Bandwidth Error

Bandwidth errors can happen during receive and transmit.

Receive Message Assembly Buffer (RX MAB) overflow occurs when the module is unable to write a received CAN message to RAM before the next message arrives.

Transmit Message Assembly Buffer (TX MAB) underflow occurs when the module cannot feed the TX MAB fast enough to provide consistent data to the Bit Stream Processor.

The SERRIF flag will be set and the ICODE[6:0] bits (C1VEC[6:0]) will be set to 100 0101.

Handling of RX MAB Overflow Errors

RX MAB overflows are not acceptable for some applications. To prevent overflows, frame filtering and data saving starts as early as possible; the latest at the beginning of the CRC field of the received message. Updating the FIFO status has to wait until the beginning of the 7th bit of the EOF field, since the received frame is only valid at this point. The complete message has to be saved and the FIFO has to be updated until the end of the arbitration field of the next message.

In case of an RX MAB overflow, the new message that caused the overflow will be discarded. The module continues to store the message that is completely received and filtered. Afterwards, the module will be able to receive new messages on the bus. The application will be notified using the SERRIF bit.

The SERRIF bit (CxINT[12]) will be cleared by writing a zero to the bit. This will also clear the SERRIF condition from the ICODEx bits.

Handling of TX MAB Underflow Errors

ISO11898-1:2015 requires MAC data consistency: a transmitted message must contain consistent data. If data errors occur due to ECC errors or TX MAB underflow, the transmission will not start. If the transmission is in progress, it will stop and the module will transition to either Restricted Operation or Listen Only mode, which is selectable using the SERRLOM bit (CxCON[18]).

The module handles these errors by stopping the transmission and transitioning to Restricted Operation or Listen Only mode. The CxTX pin will be forced high. Additionally, all TXREQs will be ignored. The application will be notified using SERRIF. The module will continue to receive messages.