8.5.9 CONFIG9

Configuration Byte 9
Address: 30 0008h

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 1111 

Bit 5 – ODCON CRC-on-Boot Pin Open-Drain Configuration

1 CRC-on-boot output drives both high-going and low-going signals (source and sink current)
0 CRC-on-boot output drives only low-going signals (sink current only)

Bit 4 – BPEN CRC-on-Boot Output Pin Enable

1 CRC-on-boot output pin disabled
0 CRC-on-boot output pin determined by BOOTPINSEL[1:0]

Bits 1:0 – BOOTPINSEL[1:0] CRC-on-Boot Pin Select

11 CRC-on-boot output pin is RC5
10 CRC-on-boot output pin is RC4
01 CRC-on-boot output pin is RA2
00 CRC-on-boot output pin is RA4