Transmit Event FIFO Interrupts (TEFIF)

The TEF interrupts occur when there is a change in the status of the TEF. There are four interrupt sources:
  • TEF Full Interrupt Flag (TEFFIF)
  • TEF Half Full Interrupt Flag (TEFHIF)
  • TEF Not Empty Interrupt Flag (TEFNEIF)
  • TEF Overrun Interrupt Flag (TEFOVIF)

The TEF interrupts work similarly to the receive FIFO interrupts. All four interrupts can be enabled individually.

TEFFIF, TEFHIF and TEFNEIF cannot be cleared by the application; they will be cleared when the status of the FIFO terminates.

The TEFOVIF must be cleared by the application.

The four interrupt sources are OR’d together and reflected in the TEFIF flag (C1INT[4]).