38.7.2 Filtering a Received Message

The CAN FD Protocol module starts acceptance filtering after the arbitration field and when the first three data bytes of a message are received. Figure 38-14 describes the flow of message filtering.

The module loops through all the filters, starting with Filter 0, which is the highest priority filter. The message in the Receive Message Assembly Buffer (RXMAB) is compared to the filter and mask. In case the message matches the filter and it is received without any errors, the message will be stored into the RX FIFO pointed to by the FnBP. Acceptance filtering is stopped and the associated RFIF bit is set.

In case an RTR is received, the TXREQ bit of the TX FIFO pointed to by FnBP will be set. Filtering will continue with the next filter and RXOVIF will be set only when one of the following happens:
  • A filter matches, but the RX FIFO is full.
  • When multiple filters match the same message and all matching RX FIFOs are full, only the RXOVIF of the FIFO pointed to by the highest priority filter will be set.
  • The RXOVIF bit will be set if the TX FIFO is empty during an RTR (TXEN = 1, RTREN = 1).

If none of the filters match, the received message will be discarded.

Note: If the module receives a message that matches a filter, but the corresponding FIFO is a TX FIFO (TXEN = 1, RTREN = 0), the module will discard the received message.
Figure 38-14. Message Filtering Flow