Delta Flag
The delta
psect flag defines the size of the addressable
unit. In other words, the number of data bytes that are associated with each address.
With PIC Mid-range and Baseline devices, the program memory space is word addressable; so, psects in this space must use a delta of 2. That is to say, each address in program memory requires 2 bytes of data in the HEX file to define their contents. So, addresses in the HEX file will not match addresses in the program memory.
The data memory space on these devices is byte addressable; so, psects in this space must use a delta of 1. This is the default delta value.
All memory spaces on PIC18 devices are byte addressable; so a delta of 1 (the default) should be used for all psects on these devices.
The redefinition of a psect with conflicting delta values can lead to phase errors being issued by the assembler.