3.9.1 Overview

See Figure 2-1 for a logical view representing a logical view of the AT32UC3C0512C in the kit. The AT32UC3C0512C is powered from the Power Supply block. For a detailed presentation of the Power Supply block, see Power Supply.

The AT32UC3C0512C is in charge of the main User Interface block:

  • The touch sensors

  • The LEDs LED0-4

  • The 2x push-button

  • The RST push-button

  • The QVGA LCD Display

  • The microphone and audio jack

For a detailed presentation of the User Interface block, see User Interface The AT32UC3C0512C can be programmed and debugged through the Programming and Debugging Interface block that provides JTAG or aWire access. For a detailed presentation of the Programming and Debugging Interface block, see Programming and Debugging Interface.

The AT32UC3C0512C has access to:

  • One external on-board Atmel DataFlash 64Mbit memory

  • One external on-board Atmel EEPROM 128-bits memory

  • One external on-board SDRAM 256Mbit memory

  • One external on-board SD/MMC slot

For a detailed presentation of the External Memory block, see External Memory.

Four networking interfaces available on AT32UC3C0512C are accessible:

  • Two CAN Interfaces

  • Two LIN Interfaces

For a detailed presentation of the networking block, see Networking. The expansion interface offers the possibility to connect various external devices to the AT32UC3C0512C. The J25 connector (labeled WLESS) is dedicated to interface to wireless extension board (obviously dedicated firmware must be running on the AT32UC3C0512C to support that feature). For a detailed presentation of the expansion Interface block, see Expansion Interface.

The AVRMC300 expansion headers offer the possibility to connect AVRMC300 additional board to the AT32UC3C0512C. For a detailed presentation of the AVRMC300 expansion Interface block, see Configuration and Test Points.

The USB communication capabilities of the Atmel AT32UC3C0512C interface is also demonstrated and accessible through a mini-B connector. For a detailed presentation of the USB Interface block, see USB Virtual Com Port Interface

Figure 3-21. Atmel AT32UC3C-EK Top View AT32UC3C0512C Location