33.6.3 Clocks

An AHB clock (CLK_QSPI_AHB) is required to clock the QSPI. This clock can be enabled and disabled in the CRU.

A FAST clock (CLK_QSPI2X_AHB) is required to clock the QSPI. This clock can be enabled and disabled in the CFGCON1 register, bit 29 (CFGCON1.QSPIDDRM). When using QSPI DDR mode, the System Clock (SYS_CLK) must be <= 48 MHz.
Figure 33-2. QSPI Clock Organization
Important: The CLK_QSPI2x_AHB must be 2 times faster to CLK_QSPI_AHB when the QSPI is operated in DDR mode. In SDR, the CLK_QSPI2x_AHB is not used.

CLK_QSPI_APB, CLK_QSPI_AHB and CLK_QSPI2X_AHB, respectively, are all synchronous but can be divided by a prescaler and may run even when the module clock is turned off.