Verifying an ECDSA Signature (Compliant with FIPS186-2)


This service is used to verify an ECDSA signature following the FIPS 186-2. It performs the second step of the Signature Verification.

A hash value (HashVal) must be provided as input, it has to be previously computed from the message to be signed using a secure hash algorithm.

As second significant input, the Signature is provided to be checked. This service checks the signature and fills the status accordingly.

How to Use the Service


The operation performed is:

Verify = EcDsaVerifySignature(PtA, HashVal, Signature, CurveParameters, PublicKey)

The points used for this operation are represented in different coordinate systems. In this computation, the following parameters need to be provided:

  • A the input point is filled with the affine values (X,Y) and Z = 1 (pointed by{nu1PointABase,3*u2ModLength + 12})
  • Cns the working space for the Fast Modular Constant not initialized (pointed by {nu1CnsBase,u2ScalarLength + 8})
  • P the modulus filled (pointed by {nu1ModBase,u2ModLength + 4})
  • The workspace not initialized (pointed by {nu1WorkSpace, 8*u2ModLength + 44}
  • The a parameter relative to the elliptic curve (pointed by {nu1ABase,u2ModLength + 4})
  • The order of the Point A on the elliptic curve (pointed by {nu1OrderPointBase,u2ScalarLength + 4})
  • HashVal the hash value is generated prior and filled (pointed by {nu1HashBase,u2ScalarLength + 4})
  • The Public Key point is filled in “mixed” coordinates (X,Y) with the affine values and Z = 1 (pointed by {nu1PointPublicKeyGen, 3*u2ModLength + 12})
  • The input signature (R,S), even if it is not a Point, is represented in memory like a point in affine coordinates (X,Y) (pointed by {nu1PointSignature, 2*u2ScalarLength + 8})
    Note: For the ECDSA signature verification be sure to follow the directives given for the RNG on the chip you use (particularly initialization, seeding) and compulsorily start the RNG.
  • The operation consists in obtaining a V value with all these input parameters and checking that V equals the provided R. If all is correct and the signature is the good one, the status is set to PUKCL_OK. If all is correct and the signature is wrong, the status is set to PUKCL_WRONG_SIGNATURE. If an error occurs, the status is set to the corresponding error value (see Status Returned Values below).

Parameters Definition

Table 37-87. ZpEcDsaVerifyFast Service Parameters
ParameterTypeDirectionLocationData LengthBefore Executing the ServiceAfter Executing the Service
nu1ModBasenu1ICrypto RAMu2ModLength + 4Base of modulus PBase of modulus P
nu1CnsBasenu1ICrypto RAMu2ScalarLength + 12Base of CnsBase of Cns
u2ModLengthu2ILength of modulus PLength of modulus P
nu1OrderPointBasenu1ICrypto RAMu2ScalarLength + 4Order of the Point A in the elliptic curveUnchanged
nu1PointSignaturenu1ICrypto RAM2*u2ScalarLength + 8Signature(r, s)Corrupted
nu1HashBase(1)nu1ICrypto RAMu2ScalarLength + 4Base of the hash value resulting from the previous SHACorrupted
u2ScalarLengthu2ILength of scalarLength of scalar
nu1PointABasenu1I/OCrypto RAM3*u2ModLength + 12Generator pointCorrupted
nu1PointPublicKeyGennu1I/OCrypto RAM3*u2ModLength + 12Public pointCorrupted
nu1ABasenu1ICrypto RAMu2ModLength + 4Parameter a of the elliptic curveUnchanged
nu1Workspacenu1ICrypto RAM8*u2ModLength + 44Corrupted workspace
  1. The hash value calculus is defined by the ECDSA norm and depends on the elliptic curve domain parameters. To construct the input parameter, the 4 Most Significant Bytes must be set to zero.

Code Example


// ! The Random Number Generator must be initialized and started
// ! following the directives given for the RNG on the chip

PUKCL(u2Option) = 0;

// Depending on the option specified, not all fields must be filled 
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1ModBase) = <Base of the ram location of P>; 
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(u2ModLength) = <Byte length of P>;
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1CnsBase) = <Base of the ram location of Cns>; 
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1PointABase) = <Base of the A point>;
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1PrivateKey) = <Base of the Private Key>;
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1ScalarNumber) = <Base of the ScalarNumber>;
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1OrderPointBase) = <Base of the order of A point>; 
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1ABase) = <Base of the a parameter of the curve>; 
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1Workspace) = <Base of the workspace>;
PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(nu1HashBase) = <Base of the SHA resulting hash>;
 PUKCL_ZpEcDsaVerify(u2ScalarLength)    = < Length of ScalarNumber>;


// vPUKCL_Process() is a macro command, which populates the service name
// and then calls the library...
vPUKCL_Process(ZpEcDsaVerifyFast, pvPUKCLParam); 
if (PUKCL(u2Status) == PUKCL_OK)
            if(PUKCL(u2Status) == PUKCL_WRONG_SIGNATURE)
            else // Manage the error


No overlapping between either input and output are allowed. The following conditions must be avoided to ensure that the service works correctly:

  • nu1ModBase, nu1CnsBase, nu1PointABase, nu1PointPublicKeyGen, nu1PointSignature, nu1OrderPointBase,nu1ABase, nu1Workspace or nu1HashBase are not aligned on 32-bit boundaries
  • {nu1ModBase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1CnsBase, u2ModLength + 8}, {nu1PointABase, 3*u2ModLength+ 12}, {nu1PointPublicKeyGen, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1PointSignature,2*u2ScalarLength + 8}, {nu1OrderPointBase, u2ScalarLength + 4}, {nu1ABase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1Workspace, <WorkspaceLength>} or {nu1HashBase, u2ScalarLength + 4} are not in Crypto RAM
  • u2ModLength is either: < 12, > 0xffc or not a 32-bit length
  • All overlapping between {nu1ModBase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1CnsBase, u2ModLength +8}, {nu1PointABase, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1PointPublicKeyGen, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1PointSignature, 2*u2ScalarLength + 8}, {nu1OrderPointBase, u2ScalarLength + 4}, {nu1ABase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1Workspace, <WorkspaceLength>} and {nu1HashBase, u2ScalarLength + 4}

Status Returned Values

Table 37-88. ZpEcDsaVerifyFast Service Return Codes
Returned StatusImportanceMeaning
PUKCL_OKThe computation passed without problem. The signature is the good one.
PUKCL_WRONG_SIGNATUREWarningThe signature is wrong.