Quick Dual Multiplying by Two Scalar Numbers and Two Points


This service is used to multiply two points by two integral constants K1 and K2, and then provide the addition of these multiplications results.

Important: This service has a quick implementation without additional security.

How to Use the Service


This service processes the dual Multiplying by two scalar numbers:

PtC = K1 × PtA + K2 × PtB

In this computation, the following parameters need to be provided:

  • A the first input point is filled in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) (pointed by {pu1PointABase,(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WA-2))}). This point can be the Infinite Point.
  • B the 2nd input point is filled in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) (pointed by {pu1PointBBase,(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2))}). This point can be the Infinite Point.
  • P the modulus filled and Cns the Fast Modular Constant filled (pointed by {pu1ModCnsBase,2*u2ModLength + 16})
  • The a parameter filled and the workspace not initialized (pointed by {pu1AWorkBase, 9*u2ModLength +48}
  • KAB the scalar numbers (pointed by {pu1KABBase, 2*u2KLength +8})
  • The options are set by the u2Options input parameter, which is composed of:
    • wA: Size of window for Point A between 2 and15
    • wB: Size of window for Point B between 2 and15
    • PUKCL_ZPECCMUL_SCAL_IN_CLASSIC_RAM flag: to set only if the scalars are entirely in Classic RAM with no part in PUKCC RAM

The resulting C point is represented in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) and is stored at (pu1AWorkBase + u2ModLength + 4). This point can be the Infinite Point.

Important: Before using this service, ensure that the constant Cns has been calculated with the setup of the Fast Modular Reduction service.

Parameters Definition

WA is the Point A window size and WB is the Point B window size (see Options below for details).

Important: Please calculate precisely the length of areas with the formulas. Ensure that the pu1 type is a pointer on 4 bytes and contains the full address (see Aligned Significant Length ).
Table 37-74. ZpEccQuickDualMulFast Service Parameters
ParameterTypeDirectionLocationData LengthBefore Executing the ServiceAfter Executing the Service
pu1ModCnsBasepu1ICrypto RAM2 * u2ModLength + 16Base of modulus P, Base of CnsBase of modulus P, Base of Cns
u2Optionu2IOption related to the called service (see below)
u2ModLengthu2ILength of modulus PLength of modulus P
pu1KABBasepu1IAny RAM2 * u2KLength + 8Scalar numbers used to multiply the points A and BUnchanged
u2KLengthu2ILength of scalars KA and KBLength of scalars KA and KB
pu1PointABasepu1I/OCrypto RAM

(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WA-2)) (1)

Input point A (projective coordinates)Unchanged
pu1PointBBasepu1ICrypto RAM

(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2)) (2)

Input point B (projective coordinates)Unchanged
pu1AWorkBasepu1ICrypto RAM9*u2ModLength + 48Parameter a of the elliptic curveResulting point C (projective coordinates) in pu1AWorkBase Base + u2ModLength + 4
  1. The precalculus table size for the point A is calculated from chosen window size “WA”.
  2. The precalculus table size for the point B is calculated from chosen window size “WB”.


The options are set by the u2Options input parameter, which is composed of:

  • the mandatory windows sizes WA and WB
  • the indication of the presence of the scalars in system RAM
Note: Please check precisely if one part of the scalars is in Crypto RAM. If this is the case, the PUKCL_ZPECCMUL_SCAL_IN_CLASSIC_RAM option must not be used.

The u2Options number is calculated by an “Inclusive OR” of the options. Some Examples in C language are:

  • // Scalars are in system RAM

    // The Point A window size is 3

    // The Point B window size is 4




  • // Scalars are in the PUKCC Cryptographic RAM

    // The Point A window size is 2

    // The Point B window size is 5



For this service, many window sizes are possible. The window sizes in bits are those of the windowing method used for the scalar multiplying.

The choice of the window sizes is a balance between the size of the parameters and the computation time:

  • Increasing the window size increases the precomputation table size.
  • Increasing the window size to the optimum reduces the computation time.

The following table details the size of the point and the precomputation table, depending on the chosen window size option.

Table 37-75. ZpEccQuickDualMulFast Service Window Size Options and Precomputation Table Size
Option SpecifiedSize of the Point and the Precomputation Table
PUKCL_ZPECCMUL_WINSIZE_A_VAL_TO_OPT(WA) WA in [2, 15](3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WA-2))
PUKCL_ZPECCMUL_WINSIZE_B_VAL_TO_OPT(WB) WB in [2, 15](3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2))

The scalars can be located in PUKCC RAM or in system RAM. If both scalars are entirely in system RAM with no part in PUKCC RAM this can be signaled by using the option PUKCL_ZPECCMUL_SCAL_IN_CLASSIC_RAM. In all other cases this option must not be used.

The following table describes this option.

Table 37-76. ZpEccQuickDualMulFast Service System RAM Scalar Options


The scalars can be located in Crypto RAM or in system RAM.

If both scalars are entirely in system RAM with no part in Crypto RAM this can be signaled by using this option . In all other cases this option must not be used.

Code Example


PUKCL(u2Option) = <Configure scalar numbers location and windows sizes>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(pu1ModCnsBase) = <Base of the ram location of P and Cns>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(u2ModLength) = <Byte length of P>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(u2KLength) = <Byte length of scalars>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(pu1PointABase) = <Base of the ram location of the A point>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(pu1PointBBase) = <Base of the ram location of the B point>; 
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(pu1AWorkBase) = <Base of the ram location of the parameter A of the elliptic curve and workspace>;
PUKCL_ZpEccQuickDualMulFast(pu1KABBase) = <Base of the ram location of the scalar numbers KA and KB>;

// vPUKCL_Process() is a macro command, which populates the service name
// and then calls the library... 
vPUKCL_Process(ZpEccQuickDualMulFast, pvPUKCLParam); 
if (PUKCL(u2Status) == PUKCL_OK)
else // Manage the error


No overlapping between either input and output are allowed. The following conditions must be avoided to ensure that the service works correctly:

  • pu1ModCnsBase,pu1PointABase, pu1PointBBase, pu1AWorkBase, pu1KABBase are not aligned on 32-bit boundaries
  • {pu1ModCnsBase, 2*u2ModLength + 16}, {pu1PointABase, (3*(u2ModLength + 4)) *(2(WA-2))}, {pu1PointBBase, (3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2))} or { pu1AWorkBase, 9*u2ModLength + 48} are not in PUKCC RAM
  • u2ModLength is either: < 12, > 0xffc or not a 32-bit length
  • Alloverlapping between {pu1ModCnsBase, 2*u2ModLength + 16}, {pu1PointABase, (3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WA-2))}, {pu1PointBBase, (3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2))} or {pu1AWorkBase, 9*u2ModLength + 48}.

Parameters Placement

The parameters’ placement is described in the following figures.

Figure 37-7. Modulus P and Cns{pu1ModCnsBase, 2*u2ModLength + 16}
Figure 37-8. Points A and B {pu1PointABase, [(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WA-2))] Or [(3*(u2ModLength + 4)) * (2(WB-2))]}
Figure 37-9. Scalars KA and KB {pu1KABBase, 2 * u2KLength + 8}
Figure 37-10. The a parameter and Workspace {pu1AWorkBase, 9*u2ModLength + 48}

Status Returned Values

Returned StatusImportanceMeaning
PUKCL_OKThe computation passed without problem.