DRBG Mechanism Functions
The DRBG mechanism uses the HMAC_DRBG algorithms and are available for random generation as soon as the PUF controller is out of the Uninitialized or BIST state.
Seed material for DRBG 1:
- Entropy input (2048 bytes) from PUF SRAM, first compressed to 512 bits
- Nonce input: 8192 bits (1024 bytes) from PUF SRAM, first compressed to 256 bits
- Personalization string: 256 bits, product-specific value
Seed material for DRBG 2:
- Entropy input: 256 bits (32 bytes) from DRBG 1
- Nonce input: 128 bits (16 bytes) from DRBG 1
- Personalization string: 256 bits, product-specific value
The inputs of the DRBG2 reseed mechanism (DRNG1 cannot be reseeded) are:
- 384 bits (48 bytes) from DRBG 1
- up to 1024 bits (128 bytes) via PUF_DIR (when enabled)
Zeroize operation disables the DRNGs.