Transmission of Commands in Low-Power

The DSI host can be configured to send the low-power (LP) commands during the HS video mode transmission. To enable this feature, set the bit DSI_VID_MODE_CFG.LP_CMD_EN to 1. In this case, it is necessary to ensure there is enough time available, in bytes, to transmit a command in LP mode to Horizontal Front Porch (HFP), Vertical Sync Active (VSA), Vertical Back Porch (VBP), and Vertical Front Porch (VFP) regions. Bits 8 to 13 of DSI_VID_MODE_CFG indicate whether the DSI host can go to low-power depending on the current image area.

If DSI_VID_MODE_CFG.LP_CMD_EN is set to 1 and non-video packets are in the queue, the DSI host ignores the Low-Power mode configuration and transmits Low-Power mode commands, even if it is not allowed to enter Low-Power mode in a specific region. After transmitting Low-Power mode commands, the DSI host remains in Low-Power mode until a sync event occurs.