Command List

Table 12-5. SAM-BA Monitor Commands
Command Action Argument(s) Example
N Set Normal mode No argument N#
T Set Terminal mode No argument T#
O Write a byte Address, Value# O200001,CA#
o Read a byte Address,# o200001,#
H Write a halfword Address, Value# H200002,CAFE#
h Read a halfword Address,# h200002,#
W Write a word Address, Value# W200000,CAFEDECA#
w Read a word Address,# w200000,#
S Send a file Address,NbOfBytes# S200000,1234#
R Receive a file Address, NbOfBytes# R200000,1234#
G Go Address# G200200#
V Display version No argument V#
  • Mode commands:
    • Normal mode configures the SAM-BA Monitor to send/receive data in binary format.
    • Terminal mode configures the SAM-BA Monitor to send/receive data in ASCII format.
  • Write commands: Writes a byte (O), a halfword (H) or a word (W) to the target.
    • Address: address in hexadecimal
    • Value: byte, halfword or word to write in hexadecimal
    • Output: ‘>’
  • Read commands: Reads a byte (o), a halfword (h) or a word (w) from the target.
    • Address: address in hexadecimal
    • Output: the byte, halfword or word read in hexadecimal followed by ‘>’
  • Send a file (S): The host will send a buffer of data to be stored at a specified address in the device
    • Address: address in hexadecimal
    • NbOfBytes: number of bytes (in hexadecimal format) to be received from the host
    • Output: ‘>’
      Note: A timeout on this command is reached when the prompt ‘>’ appears before the end of the command execution.
  • Receive a file (R): The host requests to read a buffer of data from a specified address in the device.
    • Address: address in hexadecimal
    • NbOfBytes: number of bytes (in hexadecimal format) to be sent to the host
    • Output: ‘>’
  • Go (G): Jumps to a specified address and executes the code.
    • Address: address to jump to in hexadecimal
    • Output: ‘>’ once returned from the program execution. If the executed program does not manage the link register and does not return, the prompt is not displayed.
  • Get ROM code version (V): Returns the ROM code version.
    • Output: version, date and time of ROM code followed by ‘>’