21.5.2 Control B

Offset: 0x01
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bit 6 – ASYNC Asynchronous Enable

Writing this bit to '1' will allow asynchronous updates of the TCB output signal in single shot mode

0 The output will go HIGH when the counter actually starts
1 The output will go HIGH when an Event arrives

Bit 5 – CCMPINIT Compare/Capture Pin Initial Value

This bit is used to set the initial output value of the pin when a pin output is used.

0 Initial pin state is LOW
1 Initial pin state is HIGH

Bit 4 – CCMPEN Compare/Capture Output Enable

This bit is used to set the output value of the Compare/Capture Output.
0 Compare/Capture Output is zero
1 Compare/Capture Output has a valid value

Bits 2:0 – CNTMODE[2:0] Timer Mode

Writing these bits selects the timer mode.

0x0 Periodic interrupt mode
0x1 Timeout check mode
0x2 Input capture on event mode
0x3 Input capture frequency measurement mode
0x4 Input capture pulse width measurement mode
0x5 Input capture frequency and pulse width measurement mode
0x6 Single shot mode
0x7 8-bit PWM mode