

typedef struct BLE_GAP_EvtTxPowerReporting_T
    uint8_t                 status;
    uint16_t                connHandle;
    uint8_t                 reason;
    uint8_t                 phy;
    int8_t                  txPowerLevel;
    uint8_t                 txPowerLevelFlag;
    int8_t                  delta;

Field Documentation

statusStatus of the transmit power reporting event. See Status definitions for possible values.
connHandleConnection handle of the connection whose creation ended the advertising.
reasonReason for the transmit power change. See TX power change reason for possible reasons.
phyPHY type for which the transmit power level is reported. See Transmitter PHY types for PHY types.
txPowerLevelCurrent transmit power level for the specified PHY. (Units: dBm)
txPowerLevelFlagFlag indicating if the transmit power level has reached its minimum or maximum level.
deltaThe magnitude of the change in transmit power level being reported. (Units: dB)