2.1 Hardware Test Connection

Perform the following steps for the hardware test connection:
  1. Cut off the antenna path and solder the RF coaxial cable on the RF test point.
    Figure 2-1. RF Coaxial Cable Solder Test Connection on RF Test Point
  2. Perform the following for test mode connection (see the following figure):
    1. Connect the test interface of IS1870 DUT (VBAT, GND, HCI_TX, HCI_RX and P2_0) to Edgar III board (USB to UART Converter Board) (5V, BAT, GND, HTX, HRX and P2_0).
    2. Connect the Edgar III to the PC USB port.
    3. Connect the DUT to the RF tester.
    4. Set the P2_0 of SW1 to ON on Edgar III (P2_0 of DUT pulled to low).
    Note: For more details, refer to Appendix B: Edgar III Circuit. Contact Microchip sales or an FAE for Edgar III boards.
    Figure 2-2. RF Test Mode Connection
  3. Use the ISRT tool to configure the RF test parameter.
  4. Test with the RF equipment and verify the RF TX/RX performance.