3.4.2 Metrology Pulses Outputs and UART Opto-Port Interface
The PIC32CXMTSH-DB board integrates several measurement points for the pulse outputs (PD17, PD18
and PD19) available with the PIC32CXMTSH device. The methods for pulse measurements
- Isolated Pulse Outputs: Wh, VARh and A2h pulses can be measured (with isolation) on J13 or J14 connectors in Differential mode. They are isolated from mains.
- Opto-Port Pulse Outputs: a red LED (D20) and an infrared LED (LD2) allow measurement of the Wh, VARh and A2h pulses by means of switching a slide switch (S1 or S2 depending on the LED).
- Non-Isolated Pulse Outputs: the test points TP39 and TP41 allow measurement of the pulses directly (not isolated) in Single-ended mode.
The PIC32CXMTSH-DB board features a UART Opto-port interface, made up of an infrared
emitting diode and a phototransistor, to communicate with external devices during
handheld AMR (Automatic Meter Reading).