3 Adding Diagnostic Tests

This section describes adding diagnostic tests using MCC Melody and the IEC60730 Class B Diagnostic Libraries in MPLAB X projects.

  1. Open a new or existing project in the MPLAB X IDE for any device specified in the library release notes. Click the
    icon next to the library name to view the release notes.
  2. Open MCC by clicking Tools → Embedded → MPLAB Code Configurator v5, or click the
  3. In the Device Resources panel under the Libraries → Functional Safety Libraries drop-down menu, add the PIC16/18 IEC60730 Class B Diagnostic Library by clicking the
    icon and adding the Class B Diagnostic Library to Project Resources. These instructions also apply to the AVR IEC60730 Class B Diagnostic Library.
  4. Enable the desired modules to be added from the Diagnostic Modules tab selection (e.g., CPU). This step will open the specific module tab containing the available diagnostic tests (see Figure 3-1 ).
    Figure 3-1. Enabling the CPU Module
  5. Switch to the CPU tab, and the available diagnostic test is enabled by default (see Figure 3-2).
    Figure 3-2. Available CPU Diagnostic
  6. Some diagnostic tests have configurable parameters for modifying the tests as needed. In Figure 3-3, the Flash CRC diagnostic can test the entire Flash memory or just a user-defined section of the Flash.
    Figure 3-3. Configuring the Flash CRC Diagnostic
  7. Depending on their configuration, some AVR IEC60730 Class B Diagnostic Library diagnostic tests require additional linker options to ensure correct operation. If required, these linker options can be obtained under General Settings of the Diagnostic Modules tab (see Figure 3-4). Note that additional linker options are autonomously handled in the PIC16/18 IEC60730 Class B Diagnostic Library as it does not contain the General Settings feature.
    Figure 3-4. Obtaining the Required Linker Options
  8. To add the required linker options to the project, copy the text in the Required Extra Linker options box.
  9. In MPLAB X, right-click the active project → Properties → XC8 Global Options → XC8 Linker → Additional options category → Extra linker options. Append the copied linker options into the text field next to the Extra linker options (see Figure 3-5). After appending, click Apply and OK.
    Figure 3-5. Appending Extra Linker Options in the Project Properties
  10. Warnings may be generated in the Notifications [MCC] tab depending on the diagnostic tests’ configuration. They may also be sourced from the diagnostic library or other MCC drivers used by a particular diagnostic, as seen in Figure 3-6. To ensure correct operation, it is recommended to resolve notifications with the WARNING type by following the prompts in the Description column. Note that HINT-type notifications are for information purposes, to aid with diagnostic configuration and usage, or to explain how to use an API.
    Figure 3-6. MCC Notifications
  11. Once all preferred diagnostic tests are enabled and configured, click the Generate button to add the tests, drivers, example source code files and supporting API documentation into the MPLAB X project (see the figures below).
    Figure 3-7. File Generation
    Figure 3-8. Project Files Including Source Code and API Documentation
  12. API documentation is available for each diagnostic. These documents contain detailed descriptions and Assumption of Uses (AoUs) for each diagnostic implementation to ensure correct usage of the generated APIs. To access the API documents, click the question mark icon next to the diagnostic description in the respective diagnostic tab. Clicking this icon will open the online API documentation in the browser.
    Figure 3-9. Accessing API Documentation