Server Status

If you click on an ISV button in the Server Status column in the ISV server status display, you will see the detailed status display for this ISV server (shown below) in the view area. This display shows some server statistics in a table at the top, followed by a table of all the licenses which this ISV server is serving.

There are several columns in this table which will appear or not, depending on the particulars of the licenses which this server is serving. For example, there are columns for hostid (in the case of node-locked licenses), roaming (in the case where some licenses are roamed out to disconnected systems), and named count (named user count - in the case of named user licenses). In the example shown here, there are no node-locked licenses, and no licenses are roaming, so these two columns do not appear.

Also, please note that the expiration date shown in this table is the expiration date of the first license to expire out of all the licenses used to create the license pool. When more than one license is used to create a single license pool (licenses are combined when all relevant parameters of two different licenses match), then only the earliest expiration date is shown. The other license(s) may have any expiration date that has not yet expired. To determine the expiration date of all licenses used to make up a license pool the actual license file must be consulted. Also note that licenses from different license files could be combined to make a single license pool.

At the far right-hand side of each license line, there are two columns. The first column has buttons which, if pressed, will generate a list of users of that product. The second column has buttons which are used to maintain the named user list for named user licenses. Note that if this server is not serving any named user licenses, the second column will not appear. Also, only named user licenses will have edit buttons in this column. In the example below, only the first license is a named user license.