Maintaining Named User Licenses

If you click on the edit... button in the “Edit Named User List” column above, you will see the “Edit Named User Definitions” screen, as shown below. This form contains a table of all the named users for this license, as well as a list of recently deleted named users. You can delete any named user from the list by pressing the Delete button to the right-hand side of their name. Pressing this button will present a confirmation screen, which then allows you to remove that user from the list. Note that the user cannot be removed from the list if he/she currently has any licenses checked out at the server (including roaming licenses).

Once deleted, a user must remain off the list for a minimum amount of time as specified in the license.

At the bottom of this screen are two buttons for adding named users to the list. The first button Add Group... brings up a form which has a choicelist of all GROUP definitions from this ISV server's options file. If you select a group to add, group members will be added to the named user list until the list is full, or the group is exhausted.

Below the Add Group... button is an Add New User... button, which is used to add an individual user to the named user list.

Press the Back button if you do not wish to make any changes to the named user list.