8.1 Unidirectional Commissioning

  • For unidirectional commissioning, the sink device is put in Commissioning mode, and GPD sends a Commissioning command with RxAfterTx-0 (see packet #74) and all device details, including the device type, security level, security key type, security key and more (see the following figure).
  • The sink device verifies the device details, security key and accepts the commissioning. The sink device makes a new entry for this device in its sink table, broadcasts the GP pairing command (see packets #76 and #78), and the device announces in a broadcast the commissioning of this new GPD (see packets #77 and #79) (see the following figure). For more details, refer to the Zigbee PRO Green Power feature specification Basic functionality set (Version 1.1.1).
Figure 8-1. Green Power Commissioning – Unidirectional Commissioning