6.3.5 Reporting

The following table provides details about the client/server clusters available for extended color light device types in the Zigbee stack. For more details, refer to the ZigBee Alliance Cluster Library Specification Revision 8 (075123). For more details regarding mandatory or optional clusters for specific device type, refer to the Matter Device Library Specification (1.0).
Table 6-2. Supported Clusters – Extended Color Light
Device Type Cluster ID Server Clusters Client Clusters Attribute Identifier Attribute Name
Extended color light 0x0000 Basic Basic
0x0003 Identify Identify
0x0004 Groups Groups
0x0005 Scenes
0x0006 On/Off(1) 0x0000(1) On/Off(1)
0x0008 Level control(1) 0x0000(1) Current level(1)
0x0300 Color control
  1. In this scenario, the router/extended light device reports the On/Off (0x0000) attribute of the On/Off (0x0006) cluster and the current level (0x0000) attribute of the level control (0x0008) cluster to the coordinator/combined interface.

The extended color light is a lighting device that can be switched ON or OFF. The user can adjust the intensity of light, and the bound controller device (color controller) adjusts the color. The device supports the adjustment of color via hue/saturation, enhanced hue, color looping, XY coordinates and color temperature. In addition, the user can switch ON/OFF via a bound occupancy sensor.

Reporting Attributes – The device uses the Report Attributes command to report the values of one or more of its attributes to another device. Individual clusters define which attributes are to be reported and at what interval.
Figure 6-25. Report Attributes – Router

The following figure illustrates the On/Off attribute of On/Off cluster.

Figure 6-26. On/Off Cluster – On/Off Attribute

The following figure illustrates the Current Level attribute of Cluster: Level Control.

Figure 6-27. Level Control Cluster – Current Level Attribute
In this scenario, the router device and coordinator device are configured as the following:
  • Router device – Reports the On/Off attribute of the On/Off cluster
  • Coordinator device – The current level attribute of the level control cluster