3.3 Middleware

Microchip has ported both uIP and IwIP for Ethernet support as well as including TFTP file service.

The Keil/ARM Real-Time Library (RL-ARM)(1), in addition to RTX source, includes the following:

  • RL-TCPnet (TCP/IP) – The Keil RL-TCPnet library, supporting full TCP/IP and UDP protocols, is a full networking suite specifically written for small ARM and Cortex-M processor-based microcontrollers. TCPnet is now ported to and supports SmartFusion Cortex-M3. It is highly optimized, has a small code footprint, and gives excellent performance, providing a wide range of application level protocols and examples such as FTP, SNMP, SOAP and AJAX. An HTTP server example of TCPnet working in a SmartFusion design is available.
  • Flash File System (RL-Flash) allows your embedded applications to create, save, read, and modify files in standard storage devices such as ROM, RAM, or FlashROM, using a standard serial peripheral interface (SPI). Many ARM-based microcontrollers have a practical requirement for a standard file system. With RL-FlashFS you can implement new features in embedded applications such as data logging, storing program state during standby modes, or storing firmware upgrades.

Micrium, in addition to μC/OS-III®, offers the following support for SmartFusion cSoC:

  • μC/TCP-IP™ is a compact, reliable, and high-performance stack built from the ground up by Micrium and has the quality, scalability, and reliability that translates into a rapid configuration of network options, remarkable ease-of-use, and rapid time-to-market.
  • μC/Probe™ is one of the most useful tools in embedded systems design and puts you in the driver's seat, allowing you to take charge of virtually any variable, memory location, and I/O port in your embedded product, while your system is running.