4.7 AC Programming Characteristics

Table 4-6. AC Programming Characteristics
ParameterSymbolLimitsUnitsTest conditions
Address Setup TimetAS2μs

Input rise and fall times (10% to 90%) 20 ns

Input pulse levels 0.45V to 2.4V

Input timing reference level 0.8V to 2.0V

Output timing reference level 0.8V to 2.0V

OE Setup TimetOES2μs
Data Setup TimetDS2μs
Address Hold TimetAH0μs
Data Hold TimetDH2μs
OE High to Output Float Delay(2)tDFP0130ns
VPP Setup TimetVPS2μs
VCC Setup TimetVCS2μs
CE Program Pulse Width(3)tPW95105μs
Data Valid From OE(2)tOE150ns
VPP Pulse Rise Time During ProgrammingtPRT50ns
  1. VCC must be applied simultaneously with or before VPP and removed simultaneously with or after VPP.
  2. This parameter is only sampled, and is not 100% tested. Output float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven. See timing diagram.
  3. Program pulse width tolerance is 100 μs ± 5%.