4.4 Hardware Description

The PLCOUP007 board is composed of a transmission branch whose filtering stage has a flat band pass response with typical field impedance. It involves a cost optimization in the BOM.

The PLCOUP007 board is equipped with four test points (VDD volts, 3.3 volts, ground and PLC signal) and one orange LED for transmission indication.

The PLCOUP007 board could be transformed in an PLCOUP008 board (galvanically non-isolated board version), removing R20 resistor, removing T1 transformer, soldering two 0 ohms resistors in R21 and R22 and soldering a 15 μH coil in L4.

Figure 4-3. PLC Coupling Transmission Schematic

Take into account that, when PLCOUP007 board is set over PL360MB board, VDD voltage must be 12 volts to maintain the high efficiency consumption; therefore, jumper in J16 must be set (see section Power Supply System).