12.5.5 For 8-bit code, #asm and #endasm cause red bangs in the Editor window

The #asm and #endasm statements are valid constructs for declaring in-line assembly code within an MPLAB XC8 C program. But in the IDE Editor, the C preparser does not see these as valid directives and will display a red bang next to these statements. However, this code will still work.

If you want to eliminate the red bangs in the Editor, you can use the asm() statement. This is the preferred method of using in-line assembly for all MPLAB XC C compilers.


// Inline Code that causes error
        movlw 0x20;
// Workaround for inline assembly - that will not cause error
// (Multi line asm code)
    movlw 0x20;\
// Workaround for inline assembly - that will not cause Error

// (Single line asm code)
    asm("movlw 0x20; nop; nop");