12.5.7 Hexmate Conflict Report Address Error

When Hexmate generates a conflict report, the address of the conflict in the hex file is sometimes not the same as the address shown in a memory window (where the data resides in memory.) For example:

Table 12-2. Hex Address vs. Memory Address
Device Family Address in Hex File Address in Memory
Baseline 0x100 0x80*
Midrange 0x100 0x80*
PIC18 MCUs 0x100 0x100
16-bit Devices 0x100 0x80*
32-bit Devices 0x100 0x100
* For some devices, the address shown in the conflict report is twice as large as the address of the data in memory.

For more information on using Hexmate, see MPLAB XC8 documentation or Hexmate User’s Guide (DS-50003033) on the Microchip website.