Queue Log

When using the Queue Log, you can capture data in a circular queue till an error or issue occurs. Then a log file will be populated with the current data from the queue. Because the queue is circular, you can just let you code run until the error or issue happens.

A toolbar button is used to start (fire) the logger and set the queue length.

Figure 6-50. Queue Log Toolbar Button
Figure 6-51. Queue Log Configurations

To log data in the queue:

  1. Select to make active or Set as Main Project the project for which you want to collect data.
  2. Select Queue Log Configurations to set/change the size of the queue.
  3. Select Fire Queue Log for Project. In the Output window you will see the path to the log file: <project path>/queuelogs/debugtool.txt
  4. Debug the project. Allow it to run for enough time to capture the error or issue. Then find and send the log file to where you were requested for support.