Adding Board and Project Specific Properties

Sometimes a new project-level property needs to be added to support the feature set of a given board. For example, one might like to describe external memories, ranges, timings, etc., and use them during debug launch for proper setup.

Such properties can be declared in a function called onShowProps which needs to be placed inside autoload.py. They are edited using the tool properties tab of the Project Properties dialog box.

The properties are persisted within the project file, making them available for future debug sessions.

def onShowProps(t):
    ide.addTextProperty(t,"x.ddram.timing" , "*|programoptions|programoptions.eraseb4program","DDRAM frequency","Enter DDRAM frequency", "1200000")

    ide.addEnumProperty(t,   "x.memory.type", "*|programoptions|programoptions.eraseb4program","External memory", "Select external memory", "ddram2", 
                        "ddram2|DDRAM 2|ddram 2 memory\n"
                        "ddram3|DDRAM 3|ddram 3 memory\n"
                        "qspi|QSPI mem|QSPI  memory")

The properties are persisted in the settings object:

    timing  = settings.getNumeric("x.ddram.timing", 120000)
    extMem = settings.getString("x.memory.type","ddram2") # default to ddram2 if project never configured