Vertical and Horizontal Routing

Vertical and Horizontal Tracks provide both local and long distance routing (see the following figure). These tracks are composed of both short-distance, segmented routing, and across-chip routing tracks (segmented at core tile boundaries). The short-distance, segmented routing resources can be concatenated through antifuse connections to build longer routing tracks.

These short-distance routing tracks can be used within and between SuperClusters or between modules of non-adjacent SuperClusters. They can be connected to the Output Tracks and to any logic module input (R-cell, C-cell, Buffer, and TX module).

The across-chip horizontal and vertical routing provides long-distance routing resources. These resources interface with the rest of the routing structures through the RX and TX modules (see the following figure). The RX module is used to drive signals from the across-chip horizontal and vertical routing to the Output Tracks within the SuperCluster. The TX module is used to drive vertical and horizontal across-chip routing from either short-distance horizontal tracks or from Output Tracks. The TX module can also be used to drive signals from vertical across-chip tracks to horizontal across-chip tracks and vice versa.

Figure 2-37. Horizontal and Vertical Tracks
Figure 2-38. FastConnect Routing