
In the most basic configuration, the SDADC samples values from the configured external sources (input ctrl register). The rate of the conversion depends on the combination of the GCLK_SDADC frequency, the clock prescaler from CTRLB.PRESCALER and the Over Sampling Ratio from CTRLB.OSR.

To convert analog values to digital values, the SDADC needs to be initialized first, as described in Initialization . Data conversion can be started either manually, by writing a one to the Start bit in the Software Trigger register (SWTRIG.START), or automatically, by configuring an automatic trigger to initiate the conversions. A free-running mode can be used to continuously convert an input channel. There is no need for a trigger to start the conversion. It will start automatically at the end of previous conversion.

The first valid sample starts from the third sample onward. It can skip the first few samples by programming the SKPCNT[3:0] in CTRLB register. The result of the conversion is stored in the Result register (RESULT) overwriting the result from the previous conversion.

To avoid data loss the conversion result must be read as soon as it is available (INTFLAG.RESRDY). Failing to do so will result in an overrun error condition, indicated by the OVERRUN bit in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.OVERRUN).

To use an interrupt handler, the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Set register (INTENSET) must be written to one.