7.3.2 I2C Interface Timing

Table 7-5. AC Characteristics of I2C InterfaceApplicable over the recommended operating range from TA = -40°C to +125°C, VCC = +2.7V to +5.5V.
Parameters Symbol Fast-Mode Plus Units
Min. Max.
SCL Clock Frequency fSCL 1000 kHz
SCL High Time tHIGH 260 ns
SCL Low Time tLOW 500 ns
Start Setup Time tSU.STA 260 ns
Start Hold Time tHD.STA 260 ns
Stop Setup Time tSU.STO 260 ns
Data in Setup Time tSU.DAT 50 ns
Data in Hold Time tHD.DAT 0 ns
Input Rise Time(1, 3) tR 120 ns
Input Fall Time(1, 3) tF 20 x (VDD/5.5V)(5) 120 ns
Clock Low to Data Out Valid tAA 450 ns
Time bus must be free before a new transmission can start (1) tBUF 500 ns
Pulse width of spikes that must be suppressed by the input filter(4) tSP 50 ns
  1. Values are based on characterization and are not tested.
  2. AC measurement conditions: input pulse voltages: 0.3 x VCC to 0.7 x VCC, input rise and fall times: ≤ 50 ns.
  3. System designers must ensure that all AC parametrics are met. Rise fall times shown are for the Fast Mode Plus (1 MHz) of operation. For slower clock speeds, the rise and fall times may be increased but must still meet the industry standard I2C specification UM10204.
  4. Input filters on the SDA and SCL pins will suppress noise spikes of less than 50 ns.
  5. Backwards compatibility is necessary for the Fast mode (400 kHz) specifications.
Figure 7-1. I2C Synchronous Data Timing