5.3.2 Runtime Watches and Streaming Data (PIC32M MCUs)

For PIC32MZ/MK devices without data capture but with instruction trace, the trace mechanism can be used for runtime watches. If you have a device PIM with a trace connector, you can use the PIC32 Instruction Trace Adapter Board to connect a trace cable to enable runtime watches. If you just have a device, you can use the high-speed 40-pin ribbon cable to access trace pins from a connector on your board (see Target Connection Pinout.)

To set up runtime watches:

  1. Build the project (In the Projects window, right click on the project name and select “Build”). The project must be built to see the available symbols: Project Properties>Loading, check “Load symbols when programming or building for production (slows process)”.
  2. Select Window>Debugging>Watches to open the Watches window.
  3. Right click in the window and select “New Runtime Watch”. Select the symbol or SFR you wish to watch in the New Run Time Watch window. Click OK.
  4. Begin a debug session
    . View data in Watches window.