10.5.4 Current Sense Module

The following describes the Current Sense module used with Power Monitoring.

The MPLAB ICE 4 analog front-end for the current sense module contains two channels, referred to as Channel A and Channel B. Although they operate on similar mechanisms, the two channels are not symmetrical and are used for different purposes.

Both channels are fed into independent ADC channels of MCP3464. This ADC module allows only +ve current measurements on both the channels and at maximum sampling rate of 1kHz (1000sps).

Figure 10-4. Current Sense Connector on MPLAB ICE 4
Table 10-7. Channel Specifications
Channel Current and VoltageResolutionFull Scale
Channel A - Current0.6086 uA/step20mA*
Channel A - Voltage0.2087 mV/step6.8V
Channel B - Current3.043 uA/step100mA
Channel B - Voltage0.2087 mV/step6.8V
* Channel A is limited to 20mA max on units with assembly #10-10203-R5. To increase the overall current range on Channel A to 1A, place an external shunt resistor (0.01 Ω) across the CS+ A and CS- A terminals. When using MPLAB Data Visualizer for range measurements, you could alternatively use channel B.