5.2 Programming and Debugging

The debugger section of the Power Debugger closely resembles the Atmel-ICE hardware. At the heart of the debugger is the Microchip AVR UC3 microcontroller, which implements a USB HID interface for its programming and debugging API.

Communication between the Power Debugger and the programming and debugging interface on the target device is done through a bank of level converters that shift signals between the target’s operating voltage and the internal voltage level on the Power Debugger. Also in the signal path are PTC fuses, Zener over-voltage protection diodes to ground, series termination resistors, inductive filters, and ESD protection diodes. All signal channels can be operated in the range 1.62 to 5.5V, although the Power Debugger hardware itself can not drive out a higher voltage than 5.0V. Maximum operating frequency varies according to the target interface in use.

The Power Debugger includes three electrically connected output ports for convenience. The two 50-mil horizontal headers are for use with AVR 10-pin pinout and the ARM Cortex debug headers, respectively. These ports are identical to those found on the Atmel-ICE. In addition the Power Debugger includes an unpopulated 100-mil header in the AVR pinout for custom connections.

Important: Soldering onto this header is done at the user’s risk, and ESD precautions must be taken.