5.5 Data Gateway Interface

The Power Debugger includes a full Data Gateway Interface (DGI). Functionality is identical to the one found on Microchip Xplained Pro kits powered by the Microchip EDBG device.

The Data Gateway Interface is an interface for streaming data from the target device to a computer. This is meant as an aid in application debugging as well as for demonstration of features in the application running on the target device.

DGI consists of multiple channels for data streaming. The Power Debugger supports the following modes:

  • SPI
  • TWI
  • GPIO[0..3]
All signals on the DGI header are level shifted to operate on the target device’s power domain. Also, in the signal path are series PTC fuses,Zener overvoltage protection diodes to ground, series termination resistors, inductive filters, and ESD protection diodes. All signal channels can be operated in the range 1.62 to 5.5V, although the Power Debugger hardware itself can not output a higher voltage than 5.0V.
Important: The arrows in the silk screen on the USART/SPI interface shows data directions. The arrow pointing to the left is a receiver channel to which the target device’s TX line should be connected for USART usage and MOSI for SPI usage. Similarly, the arrow pointing to the right is a transmitter channel and should be connected to the target device’s RX line for USART usage and MISO for SPI usage. Remember that for SPI usage the Power Debugger is the slave.
Important: The DGI uses the same reference voltage as the debugger section. This means that the REF pins of the DGI header and the debug headers are electrically connected.
Important: SPI and USART mode cannot be used simultaneously.
Important: An I2C write transaction (could be of length zero) must take place before an I2C read transaction is acknowledged by the Power Debugger.