5.8 LEDs

The Power Debugger has five LEDs, which indicate the status of the tool. The debug LEDs are identical in function to those on Atmel-ICE and previous debugger hardware. For those familiar with the Atmel-ICE debugger, the entire central section of the Power Debugger resembles the Atmel-ICE.
Figure 5-8. Debugger LEDs
Figure 5-9. VOUT LED, used to Indicate the Status of the Target Voltage Supply
Figure 5-10. Fault LED, used to Indicate the Status of the Analog Sampling Circuitry
Table 5-1. LEDs
TARGETTarget Power

GREEN when target power is OK.

POWERMain Power

RED when main-board power is OK.


Flashing GREEN when the target is running/stepping. OFF when target is stopped.

VOUTTarget Voltage

GREEN when target output voltage is ON. Flashing when an overcurrent is detected in the A channel.

FaultAnalog Fault

RED when a voltage or current outside recommended operating conditions is detected on the analog pins.