3.1.2 Initial Hardware Setup

A block diagram of the initial setup is shown here.

To get started a few modifications need to be made to the hardware.

In order to measure the current consumed by the target MCU you will need to intercept its power supply and feed it through the measurement circuitry of the Power Debugger. This requires that a power rail header is mounted to the Xplained Mini board.

Todo: Mount power rail header on the Xplained Mini board.

We will make use of code instrumentation to send data from the Xplained Mini board to the Power Debugger DGI. To do this we need access to PORTD features on the target MCU.

Todo: Mount PORTD 0..7 header on the Xplained Mini board.

Although the ATmega328PB Xplained Mini board already contains a debugger (mEDBG), it is not going to be used in this example. Instead we would rather make use of the Power Debugger for programming purposes.

Todo: Mount the 6-pin 100-mil ISP programming header on the Xplained Mini board.

The headers to be mounted are shown here.