3.1.9 LED Blinking

Running Data Visualizer for a few seconds should give you a plot similar to this one:

What can we see from this plot?
  • The kit draws about 17 mA with the LED OFF
  • Current draw increases to about 20 mA when the LED is pulsed ON
  • The 1% duty cycle seems approximately correct
If your plot does not look like this, go back and check your setup for:
  • Power supply to Xplained Mini (USB cable)
  • Straps from VCC header to ‘A’ channel
  • Common GND connection
  • Is on-board power disabled on the Xplained Mini?
  • Is the LED flashing? Has programming succeeded?
  • Is debugWIRE (DWEN) disabled?
  • If the ‘Fault’ LED on the Power Debugger is ON, check your wiring and soldering one more time