3.2.3 ECC608-TMNGTLS Slot Configuration Summary

The ECC608-TMNGTLS has 16 slots that are configured for specific purposes as part of the Trust Manager solution. The slots are divided into several types and are specified in the Slot Type column in the table below. The following slot types are defined:
  • K = keySTREAM SaaS slots for use by Kudelski only
  • P = Application slots provisioned through keySTREAM SaaS. This information is used by the customer application but is under the control of the keySTREAM SaaS.
  • C = Customer Provisioned Slot. This information is known only to the customer and is updated in the customer’s production line.
  • R = Reserved. Not in use at the time this data sheet was created but may be used for future applications.
SlotSlot TypeKey NameDescription
0PDevice Identity KeyPrimary Private key used to sign device compressed certificate stored in Slot 10.
1KAttestation KeyPrivate Key used by Kudelski to attest to the device authenticity. Only Kudelski knows the corresponding Public Key.
2KSeal Identity IDUnique profile User ID (UID) stored in this slot.
3KAsymmetric KeyManaged and reserved by Kudelski.
4KSymmetric KeyManaged and reserved by Kudelski.
5PSymmetric Key for in-field provisioningSlot to hold customer symmetric key. This slot can ONLY be updated by keySTREAM SaaS. The slot is set as encrypted write and WriteKey is in Slot 6.
6REncrypt Write KeyEncrypted WriteKey for Slot 5 and Slot 14, provisioned at MCHP facility. The Parent Key is only known to Kudelski. The stored key is diversified.
7CIO Protection Key Slot to hold customer I/O protection key. This slot is updated by the customer in their production line.
8KkeySTREAM SaaS Onboarding DataKudelski-specific data used for multiple keySTREAM SaaS operations.
9RSymmetric KeyManaged and reserved by Kudleski.
10PDevice Compressed CertificateCompressed Device Certificate.
11PSigner Public KeyPublic Key associated with the Kudelski signer.
12PSigner compressed CertificateKudelski Compressed Signer Certificate.
13PSecure Boot DigestSlot to hold the Secureboot Digest (Stored digest mode). Can only be updated internally using Secure boot commands.
14PPublic Key for in-field provisioning.Slot to hold the customer-specific Public Key. This slot can only be updated by keySTREAM SaaS. The slot is set as encrypted write and WriteKey is in slot 6.
15PSecure Boot public key or C-DataSlot to hold Customer SecureBoot public key. The slot is expected to be provisioned at the customer's production line.