Configuring The Library

The AT24 driver library should be configured through the MHC. The following figures show the MHC configuration window for the AT24 driver and brief description.

AT24 Driver with SPI peripheral connected


Configuration Options

  • PLIB Used:

    • Specifies the Peripheral library connected

  • Number Of Clients:

    • Indicates maximum number of clients

    • Always set to one as it supports only a single client

  • EEPROM Page Size:

    • Size of one page of EEPROM memory (in bytes)

  • EEPROM Flash Size:

    • Total Size of the EEPROM memory (in bytes)

    • Depending on the specified EEPROM Flash Size, the driver will generate the appropriate number of address bits (8-bit, 16-bit or 24-bit), thereby allowing it to communicate with EEPROM of different sizes in the AT24 family

  • EEPROM Address:

    • The seventh bit of I2C slave address of the EEPROM

    • This pin must be configured as GPIO output in "Pin Settings" configuration

  • AT24 EEPROM Start Address:

    • Specifies the EEPROM memory start address to be used for Transfer operations

    • The start address will be populated in the device geometry table DRV_AT24_GEOMETRY