9.2 Routing and Socket Card Issues

Card NameRevisionIssueWork-Around
STK600-RC028M-6A, 2Pin PC7 on ATtinyx8 is not routed to PC7 on STK600 headersThis signal is routed to AREF0. By removing the AREF0-jumper, the signal can be used as a regular I/O.
STK600-RC100X-13A, B, 3, 4The USB signals for the supported parts are not routed to the USB connectorThe signals are routed correctly for revision 5
STK600-RCUC3C0-361, 2, 3The aWire interface is not correctly routedConnect a cable between pin 3 (TDO) on the JTAG header on the blue area and pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area. For external tools, connect the aWire signal pin to pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area.
STK600-RCUC3C0-381, 2, 3, 4The aWire interface is not correctly routedConnect a cable between pin 3 (TDO) on the JTAG header on the blue area and pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area. For external tools, connect the aWire signal pin to pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area.
STK600-RCUC3C0-401, 2The aWire interface is not correctly routedConnect a cable between pin 3 (TDO) on the JTAG header on the blue area and pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area. For external tools, connect the aWire signal pin to pin 6 (Reset) on the JTAG header on the green area.